Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tour Guide Treehouse!

So this main focus of this blog is going to be to entertain all you readers, with a focus on the tour guides of Champlain. After all, we are a very entertaining group - you put 5 loud people in a room at any given time during the work day and it's going to be fun. I included a beautiful picture of us as you can see.

Today we decided to join the Family Feud Competition - Team Tour Guide - so watch out! Unfortunately we had to play rock paper scissors to see who would be on the team and there are some unhappy campers - drama? Probably not.

Now I am going to listen for a funny closing statement - oh we are already practicing! Laura was just shocked to find out we had folders in the office - not very funny but it was the best I could get, I promise we are a funny group! I wanted to put in a video from facebook but couldn't figure out how to so if anyone knows how its on my wall from another tour guide so if you know fill me in!

That's it for now -


MBenti said...

Oh Becky...this could be fun!!! Go tour guides. A blog about the tour guide tree house - how much drama do we want to reveal? And your picture is not all of the tour guides! Basically 1/6 of us. : )

Leah said...

Haha oh Becky! I really like the name "Tour Guide Treehouse" how'd you guys come up with that? Also, even though I'm not part of your tourguide group, I can get a sense of what it would be like to be part of it from your blog. Nice way to humanize it!

Becky Gnirke said...

We thought it was funny because we are actually in basement office and since we are just the clever group....

Alison said...

Why do we never work together? I want to be part of the Tour Guide Tree house Blog! Hahah... clever blog Becky.. Blogging about where ya work... I think people could get to know how crazy we all are!